• Five introductory chapters covering the importance of algae in biogeochemistry, biotic associations, industrial and research applications, as well as their diversity and evolutionary relationships
• A core group of chapters covering the major algal lineages
• Three concluding chapters covering the ecology of phytoplankton, maroalgae and periphyton, and terrestrial algae
• Nearly 900 figures containing approximately 830 photos
• More than 270 siginificant genera are profiled.
• Boldfaced terms are defined in an extensive glossary.
• A lengthy literature cited section is included as are separate taxonomic and subject indexes, where occurrences of terms in tables, figures, and generic descriptions are clearly indicated.
New to the Second Edition
• Each chapter has been extensively revised, both in organization and content.
• A new chapter has been added on terrestrial algal ecology.
• Evolutionary concepts of algal lineages have been updated to reflect new information.
• There is increased coverage of algal blooms, algal genomics, and the use of algae as energy sources.
• There are more than 90 new figures and 50 new photos as well as many updates to other figures.
• New or updated design elements include numbered A-heads to aid in locating information, easier-to-read tables, re-designed life cycle diagrams, larger font size in the Literature Cited section, and easier-to-find scale bars on photos.